OCDS Community of
Bl. Anne of St. Bartholomew

Helpful Web Links
​​​​Carmelite Reading List
As always, pray and discern before deciding. This is a downloadable PDF reading list from laycarmelite.com (Note: The Impact of God by Iain Matthew is another good book, but not on this list.)
Discalced Carmelite Proper Calendar With Prayers (Carmelite Quotes)​
Promulgated in Rome: October 15, 2023; website includes prayers for each day
Discalced Carmelite Proper Calendar
A link to a printable PDF that can be folded and put in your Liturgy of the Hours book!​
Promulgated in Rome: October 15, 2023
The official newsletter for the OCDS of the Oklahoma Semi-Province of St. Thérèse
General Curia of the Teresian Carmel
A newsletter published by the Carmelite friars of the Oklahoma Semi-Province of St. Thérèse
Carmelite Quotes of the Day
(from our Carmelite nuns)​
Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
(from our Carmelite nuns)
Novena Prayers to St. Teresa and St. Thérèse
(from our Carmelite nuns)
Oklahoma Semi-Province of St. Thérèse Website
An online collection of her poems, available for PDF download​​​​​​​​​​
USCCB Website​​​
Website for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops