OCDS Community of
Bl. Anne of St. Bartholomew
Formation Process Overview
The main purpose of the formation process is "to prepare the person to live the charism and spirituality of Carmel" (Constitutions, 32). "The people who come to the Secular Order of Carmel are, with few exceptions, people who have many commitments, especially with families and with work. The program of formation must be flexible enough to adapt to the circumstances of each person who is to become a member" (Ratio, 5).
There are three initial periods of Formation for Discalced Carmelite Seculars. The first is the Aspirancy, followed by Formation I, and then Formation II. Once these periods of formation are completed, and a Candidate has discerned a life-long calling and been received fully into the Community, they will then move into Ongoing Formation. "Both initial and ongoing formation in the teachings of Teresa and John of the Cross, help to develop in the Carmelite Secular a human, Christian, and spiritual maturity for service to the Church" (Ratio 54).
Generally speaking, it is a process which takes a lifetime. It is allowing the Lord to work in you as you go along. It is not about knowing or understanding everything, especially in the beginning. Formation also includes: learning from each other, spending time in prayer, reading about our Carmelite saints, and living out our vocation day by day.
Ongoing Formation
This stage of formation is, as the name suggests, ongoing. After completing the initial stages of formation and discerning a lifelong call to the secular vocation, members will continue their studies and call to prayer and service as a part of the Order. Ongoing Formation does not currently have a syllabus that is worked through, due to the nature of its open-ended timeline. Book studies are Carmelite and formative in nature, leading "ever deeper into the mystery of union with God, growth in the virtues, and a genuine striving for holiness in imitation of Jesus Christ" (Formation Handbook for the OCDS).