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Other Community Resources

Our Community also has other prayers that we pray.  Our Semi-Province has asked us to pray the Vocation Prayer for vocations to the Order.  (Our Community is assigned to pray this on the 20th of each month; we also pray this at our monthly meetings.)   They have also given us a Prayer for Priests, which is fitting since part of our prayer life as Carmelites is to pray for priests.  Our Litany for Vocations is included for reference.  It was written for our Community? by one of our Marylake friars, Fr. asfsfas  asfasf, OCD.  

Vocation Prayer for Oklahoma Semi-Province of St. Therese

St. Therese, the Heavenly Father's Little Flower, your heart was so consumed with the desire to win souls for Your Lover that you willing offered yourself as His "victim of love". As the patron saint of our Province, we beg you to not turn your back on us, but through your intercession and the intercession of the Blessed Morther Mary, Our Lady of Mt Carmel, I pray that the Lord may touch the hears of men and women and fill them with the same desire that moved you, Little Flower, to give yourself to Him as His spouse. Protect your Province, the Oklahoma Semi-Province of St. Therese, and ask our Heavenly Father to fill its coffers full of good and holy friars, nuns, and seculars. May God bless our friars, nuns, and seculars to be holy men and women full of love and zeal for the work of our Lord with the spirit of St. Ellijah. May your life lived in obedience, chastity, and poverty as a Carmelite, inspire those who are called by the Lord to the consecrated life to courageously say "Yes" and encourage them to live out this divine calling in their lives. Amen.

Prayer for Priests

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Litany for Vocations

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